The focus of the HSCL is on developing positive and enduring relationships with parents/guardians of the students of Ballinteer Community School with the shared aim of ensuring students complete their education up to Leaving Certificate level.
The aims of the Home School Community Liaison Scheme are to:
- Increase the link between home and school by encouraging parents to become more involved in their children's education,
- Organise school and locally based activities aimed at encouraging greater contact between parents, teachers and with local voluntary and statutory groups.
- Encourage self-development, literacy and numeracy skills and empower parents so that they as the primary educators of their children will be positive role models, encouraging the educational and personal advancement of their children.
It is long established that parents who actively encourage their children raise adults who are confident and able to take their place in society.
Activities undertaken by the Home School Community Liaison teacher are:
- Parental support through personal contact and home visits.
- Promotion and provision of training, leisure and up-skilling activities for parents.
- Classes and courses.
- Co-operation with and input into school based activities where parents can have a positive input.
- Collaboration and co-operation with the education and welfare providers.