Our Tiered Leadership Programme was launched in 2020 to nurture leadership qualities amongst our Senior Cycle Students.
In Sixth Year, we have Prefects, a coveted leadership role. Students apply and interview for the role. From the successful applicants, our Head Prefects are picked by their peers and staff members. The Prefects work tirelessly to be positive role models to the entire student body. Their roles include monitoring the lunch line, welcoming visitors to the school, attending Parent/Teacher meetings (pre-Covid) to guide parents around the school. They assist in the organisation of Wellbeing Week and run a charity event for the charity of their choosing.
Fifth Years apply and interview to be Mentors to First Years. They are selected the year before they go into Fifth Year and are present for in the incoming First Year’s testing and first day in school. A “buddy system” is applied whereby, three mentors are assigned to each first-year class. They visit their groups during tutor time on a weekly basis to check in. They organise wellbeing events like a football blitz, mindful moments, surprise treats or a walk in the park. They assist with all activities involving First years during Wellbeing Week. They have previously taught CPR to the First Years. This “buddy system” is really helping the First Years to settle into BCS.

Transition Year students apply and interview to become Peer Leaders. Our TY Peer Leaders help in the running of College Awareness Week and Wellbeing Week. Last year, they designed and set up a Wellbeing Hub which will provide a safe, quiet space for all students to visit in search of a break from the daily hustle and bustle of school life (post-Covid). They also work in conjunction with the Green Team and help with litter clean-ups on a weekly basis. In the past, they have been crucial in our whole-school objective to have life-saving skills taught to all school-goers, as they helped run the CPR programme. This objective will continue post-Covid.

Our leadership programme will continue into the future as we try to embed 21st century skills into all of our students.