Ballinteer Community School

Guidance and Counselling Service

Dealing with sudden death, information for young people

Additional resources for bereavement support

Helping teenagers cope with death

Ballinteer Community School Guidance Counsellor:

Oliver Joyce, Guidance Counsellor


The Guidance & Counselling Service

The aim of the guidance and counselling programme is to ensure that our students have access to appropriate guidance to assist them in their academic, personal and social development and supporting them in making educational and career choices in accordance with the Education Act (1998).


The guidance process aims to help students to develop an awareness and acceptance of their talents and abilities by allowing them to explore possibilities and opportunities. We aim to support them to grow in independence and to take responsibility for themselves allowing them to make informed choices about their lives.

Some guidance activities include:

  • Supporting parents and students throughout the journey from 1st to 6th year in making choices and dealing with change e.g. transition from primary to secondary school, subject choice and career decisions.
  • Organising guest speakers from Higher Educational Institution, Post Leaving Cert Colleges, Career Ambassadors and Apprenticeship opportunities.
  • Organised visits to Higher Educational Institutions such as NUI Maynooth, Trinity College Dublin, IT Tallaght, UCD and DCU
  • Personal career interviews for students covering CAO, PLC, Apprenticeships, HEAR/DARE and SUSI application
  • Careers classes in Transition Year involving online career investigation and becoming familiar with online websites for career and college investigation
  • Organising personal awareness talks such as AWARE with their Beat the Blues Programme and Junior Achievement Ireland with their Inspiring Young Minds programme.
  • Links with the local community such as CRH, Salesforce and SMART FUTURES in order to investigate real life career paths.


Counselling is a key part of the schools guidance programme. This is offered on an individual or group basis as part of a developmental learning process as well as at times of personal crisis. Counselling has as its objective the empowerment of students so that they can make decisions, solve problems, address behavioural issues, develop coping strategies and resolve difficulties that they may be experiencing. We hope to help develop life-long resiliency.

A professional relationship involving confidentiality is at the core of the schools counselling service. The guidance counsellor does not act in a disciplinary capacity and this frees her to deal with students at a more personal level.

Common issues include:

  • Self-esteem building
  • Anger management control
  • Family bereavement or illness
  • Friendship issues

The guidance counsellor often refers students, with the consent of parents, to outside agencies for more intensive and focused therapy. Issues such as depression, suicide ideation, self-harm and eating disorders all need outside professional intervention. The guidance counsellor offers counselling support to the student before and after the referral but not while the outside intervention is taking place.

How can a student access Counselling

Most counselling appointments are made by the students themselves but sometimes they are referred by a parent or teacher.

There are a number of ways that a student can seek counselling:

  1. The student can request counselling in person by calling into the guidance counsellor’s office.
  2. A parent or guardian may contact the guidance counsellor to make an appointment for the student.
  3. The student can leave a note under the door of the guidance counsellor’s office stating name and class where by the guidance counsellor will set up an appointment.
  4. The student may speak in confidence to her tutor/subject teacher or Year Head about a problem. If it is considered that counselling would be of benefit the tutor/teacher/Year Head could:
    1. Come directly to the counsellor to arrange an appointment for the student concerned
    2. And/or encourage the student to make an appointment in person

Numbers When You Need Them

Rosemount Family Resource Centre 01 216 61 31
Hillview Resource Centre 01 296 50 25
Irish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children 01 676 79 70
Teen Between 1800 303 191
Teenline 1800 833 634
Samaritans (24 hour helpline) 1850 609 090 or 116 123
Pieta House Dublin South Office 01 462 47 92
Gardaí Confidential Line 1800 666 111
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre 1800 778 888
Drugs Helpline 1800 459 459
Crisis Pregnancy Agency 01 814 62 92
Childline 1800 666 666
Cross Care (Teen Counselling) 01 557 47 05
Cari (Children at risk Ireland) 1890 924 567
Bodywhy’s (Eating Order support) 1890 200 444
Aware (Depression support) 1800 804 848
Al-Anon/Al-Ateen 01 873 26 99

Feb 04
Mock Exams
Feb 17
Midterm break
Feb 20
Second Year Prizegiving
Feb 24
School closed
Ballinteer Community School,
Dublin 16,

01 298 8195

© 2025 Ballinteer Community School